Sunday, August 4, 2013

We're all in Singapore!

We all made it to Singapore safe and sound!  On Monday morning, Candy was picked up around 6:30 am and driven to Chicago.

They walked her and fed her and she got on a flight to Amsterdam where she had a long layover and was walked and fed again.  From there she flew to Singapore and got in around 3:20pm on Wednesday afternoon.  Ozzy and I left for the airport on Monday morning around 7:30am.  He just went as a carry on with me.  I was worried about how we would do going through security since I had to take him out of his carrier but he was fine.  We flew to Chicago first and then had the long 16 hour flight to Hong Kong.  Fortunately the seat next to us was open so we had a little more room.  He was good for the first 8 hours but then he cried most of the time - I didn't hear most of it since my friend got me some awesome head phones so I wouldn't hear him.  With about 3 hours to go on the flight I noticed a pretty bad smell - yep Ozzy had finally gone to the bathroom.  Fortunately, I had bought some padding for his carrier so I was just able to take him back to the bathroom and change it out so it wasn't too bad.  When we landed in Hong Kong we were going to get back on the same plane for the flight to Singapore but we still had to get off and go through security to get back to the departure gate.  When I got to security, they kept asking for different paperwork which I had and they had me sit there for awhile while they went and got a United airline representative.  The rep informed me that its illegal to bring animals through Hong Kong as a carry on.  I had purchased a ticket for Ozzy for the entire flight so I asked why they would let me do that if it wasn't legal.  The flight shows up in their system as direct from Chicago to Singapore so it didn't flag it when I was on the phone booking it originally.  He told me I had 2 options.  One was to sit at their airline counter with Ozzy until departure and they would take him straight to the gate and I would meet him there after going through security again - even though this wasn't technically legal they would make an exception since I was already in transit.  The second option was to stay at the airport for a few days until I could get some type of license and figure out how to ship him as cargo.  This was obviously a no brainer.  They brought him to the gate and they escorted me through all the other security checks they do at the gate and gave him back to me when I was getting on the plane.  The flight wasn't very full so they put me in a row by myself so we wouldn't be by other passengers which was awesome.  The flight from Hong Kong to Singapore is less than 4 hours.  When we got to Singapore I gave Ozzy to a lost and found counter where they let me take him out and feed him before they put him back in his carrier for the night.  We got in around midnight and he wouldn't be transported to the first quarantine station until 8am when they opened.  Jimmy met me at the airport and I went back to our place and got a few hours sleep.  When I woke up I had to go back to the airport quarantine station to get Ozzy checked in.  I had to take the MRT (mass rapid transit) and then a bus to get out there.  While on the bus, I was about to get into the cargo area of the airport where the quarantine was located when a police officer came on and asked me if I had a pass.  I had no idea what he was talking about.  He told me I had to get off the bus and get a pass.  I got off and had to fill in some paperwork and surrender my passport to get a pass to get to the quarantine station.  Once I had the pass I was allowed to catch the next bus.  At the quarantine station I just had to give them some more paperwork and everything went smoothly.  I was able to see Ozzy which was nice.  

A few hours later he was transported to the main quarantine station where he and Candy will stay for 10 days.  Since Candy didn't arrive until Wednesday afternoon, she was transported to the main quarantine station on Thursday morning.  Since we had a service transport Candy to Singapore they took care of checking her in at the airport quarantine station so I didn't have to go back out there again.  It was a long trip over but we all arrived safely so now our adventure can begin!

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