Monday, August 26, 2013

First trip to Malaysia

Jimmy and I decided to take a bus to Malaysia this weekend.  It takes a little over an hour to take the bus and it only costs a few dollars so we figured we'd check it out.  To get to Malaysia we just had to cross a short bridge over the Straits of Johor.  Once across the bridge, we were in Johor Bahru.  There isn't really a lot to do there but they did have a mall right when we got out of immigration that we walked around.  I saw a dessert place that looked good so we stopped there.  After I ordered and went to get a seat I realized the seats were toilet bowls.  As we looked around we noticed people's food was served in toilet bowl shaped bowls!  Then we realized we were at a place called T-Bowl - A toilet bowl themed restaurant!  That was definitely not something I ever would have thought of.  After eating on our toilet seats, we walked around outside for a little bit too.  They had this really pretty garden/park that we wanted to walk around but as we got closer there were signs warning that you would be shot if you entered so that was a no go! We were able to see Singapore from where we were so we got a few pictures.  There is an outlet mall in Johor Bahru but we didn't go there - that's something I can do with my mom when she visits.  They also have a Legoland and a few other amusement parks more targeted at kids.  I doubt we'll head back to Johor Bahru unless its for the outlet mall but we're definitely going to visit some other cities in Malaysia.

Secretariat Building

Views of Singapore from Malaysia

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