Sunday, August 4, 2013

The first few days...

After getting Ozzy checked in at the quarantine station, I spent Wednesday and Thursday unpacking.  All of the boxes in the picture below that are still assembled are full of packing paper - they wrapped up everything with a ton of paper!  We probably would have had about 1/2 the boxes if it hadn't been for all of the wrapping.  They obviously know what they are doing though since none of our stuff was damaged. 
Some of the things that we marked as storage vs shipping got mixed up but nothing major.  The only thing Jimmy was upset about was that his PlayStation3 went to storage - but now its an excuse for him to get PS4 when it comes out in a few months : )  Everything is unpacked now but we're still cleaning and organizing.  The moving company is coming back today to get all of these boxes out of here which will be really nice to get some more space.  We had to buy new electronics here since the voltage is different.  Jimmy already had TVs delivered but we had to get some kitchen items, vacuum, hair dryer etc so now we're all set.  We had our cable and internet set up on Friday so I finally felt a little more connected.  The TV stations here aren't bad but I've heard the TV shows are a few seasons behind.  We have a sling box set up to a cable box at my parents house which will allow us to watch US TV which will be nice to watch the latest seasons and all the sports we won't get here.  

We also went to the quarantine station to visit Candy and Ozzy and they are doing well.  They each have their own room.  When we visit we can take Candy outside in a gated green area (below).   We'll be excited to bring them home on Saturday.

To give you an idea of where we are living, below is a map of Singapore and the different MRT lines.  If you look at the yellow line, we are less than a 10 minute walk to the Holland Village MRT station.  This map is a little outdated but it gives you the general idea.
Near the Holland Village MRT station, there are a lot of shops, restaurants, banks, groceries etc so its really convenient for us.  There is a hawker center in Holland Village also, so I can go up there for lunch and eat for under $5 and get pretty good food which is nice.  

So far everything is going really well.  I've been able to text and facetime with my parents with no problem which has been great.  Once we're settled in more I'm sure we'll explore the city more and I'll be sure to put up lots of pictures!

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