Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2 weeks in!

I've been here 2 weeks and we've gotten a lot done.  We brought Candy and Ozzy home from quarantine on Saturday and they are both doing great!  Candy sits in front of the fan for awhile when we get back from our walks because its so hot here.  Ozzy spends most of his time sleeping as usual.

It's starting to feel like home especially with them being here.  Everything is unpacked but we still have a few things to put away.  When we aren't running errands, we've been relaxing at home since the past few months have been crazy.  We did go out for drinks one night - below is a picture of us at 2am dessert bar which was really good.  There are tons of great dessert places around here - temptation is everywhere!

We worked out all of our wedding details over the past week as well.  We'll get married at the Registry of Marriage in Singapore (like a court house wedding) on November 1st and then we'll leave for our honeymoon in the Maldives on November 2.  We'll do a beach wedding ceremony while there on November 4th.  The hotel offers a wedding package so there's really nothing else we have to do but show up.  We're going to be staying in one of those huts over the water which I'm really excited about!

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