Thursday, July 11, 2013

Final Move Date confirmed!

I can't even keep track of all of the dates I thought were going to the "the final move date" but I finally booked my flight today!  After getting our final quarantine space confirmation for the pets and figuring out transportation for Candy, I am finally set on moving July 29th!  We decided to have a service ship Candy so that she'll be able to have a layover in Amsterdam where they will take her out, feed her and walk her.  This way she won't be in her crate for over 30 hours.  She's also going to be driven to Chicago to catch her flight because her crate won't fit on the express jets from Cincinnati - I now know way more about pet travel than I ever wanted to.  I'm going to carry Ozzy on the flight with me.  The vet gave me Xanax for Ozzy to calm him down on the flight - I think I'm going to need some too with all the angry looks I'll be getting from the people sitting around me!  Jimmy is set to move into our apartment this weekend and all of our stuff will get delivered on Monday.  He's in India this week, China next week and Japan the following week so he won't have a chance to do any unpacking before I get there.  I can't believe I have less than 3 weeks left in Cincinnati but I'm hoping to spend as much time with friends as family as I can before I leave!

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