Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 2015 update

It's hard to believe we've been here for 2 years and we are in our last year!  Time has flown but we are also eager to be back in the US and closer to friends and family.  My last day with P&G was on June 30.  I decided to take a separation package since my job is moving to Guangzhou. Working in Singapore was a challenging experience but I learned a lot so I'm really thankful I was able to work here for as long as I did.  Below is a picture of the artwork team at my farewell lunch.

I'm going to spend July taking Chinese classes 5 days a week and then in mid August I'll head back to the US for a 5 week trip.  It's been over a year since I've been home so I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone!

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