Thursday, September 26, 2013

Weekend in Rawa

Jimmy has been traveling the past 4 weeks so we thought it would be nice to have a relaxing weekend together.  We went to Rawa Island in Malaysia which was about a 3 hour drive from Singapore plus a 1/2 hour speed boat ride.  The island is really small - the only thing on it was the resort we stayed on which had about 60 cabins, a restaurant and a bar.  It was exactly what we needed.  It was very low key and peaceful.  The water and beach were beautiful and you could see other islands off the coast of Malaysia in the distance.  The cabin wasn't fancy but we spent most of our time outside anyway.  All of our meals were included at the hotel restaurant which were buffets.  We might go back there again but we have so many places we want to see I'm not sure if we'll have time!

Our Cabin:

View of the whole island:

Beach/Water pics:


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