Monday, June 10, 2013

Jimmy's Journey Begins!

I took Jimmy to the airport yesterday morning for his move to Singapore.  He arrived around noon today after 26 hours of travel with layovers in Chicago and Hong Kong.  Singapore is 12 hours ahead of Cincinnati so it was midnight in Singapore when he got there.  He'll be staying in a long term residence for the next month and will be busy setting up our cell phones, bank accounts, credit cards etc while also having to travel to China and India for work.  I'll be going to Singapore next week for about 10 days to have my look see and house hunt, so hopefully we'll find something while I'm there so Jimmy can move in during early July.  (The look see is part of the relocation package and it's basically a day where they help us get familiar with the city.)  I'm so excited to finally get to visit the place we'll call home for the next 3 years!!

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