Thursday, June 30, 2016

Farewell Singapore

This weekend we met up with friends and had a farewell dinner at Lau Pa Sat. The girls gave me a book of Singapore facts and Sophie made a necklace of an orchid and an amethyst (Singapore's flower and Nolan's birthstone) which I love!


It's hard to believe our 3 year adventure has come to an end. This experience has been amazing and we were able to travel to so many places we never would have gone to if we weren't living here. We are excited to be closer to family but we are also sad to be leaving the country where we got married, had our first child, met wonderful people and created so many memories. Farewell Singapore!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

One last weekend getaway

We wanted to take one last trip and get another stamp in Nolan's passport so we went to Bintan, Indonesia for a weekend. It's only an hour ferry ride to get to Bintan so we didn't have to spend too much time traveling. It rained our first day there so we just hung out in our villa. The villa was on the side of a cliff surrounded by trees so there were a lot of bugs. We had a mosquito net for our bed and Nolan even had a mosquito net for his cot.

Saturday was overcast so we went to the beach early in case it rained all day again. Nolan was good in the ocean and on the beach. 

Nolan wasn't allowed to go into the hotel pool since he's still in a diaper so we just hung out in the pool on our balcony. The water was pretty cold but Nolan didn't seem to mind.

Sunday was Father's Day so we had to get a few pics of Jimmy and Nolan together. He's such a little ham!

When we got back to our serviced apartment the staff gave Jimmy a Father's Day hat which was so thoughtful of them!

Even though the weather wasn't good, we had a nice time. We are so excited to introduce Nolan to family in the next few weeks!! He is now 4 months old already!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Busy week!

We moved in to the serviced apartment on Sunday and the packers came on Monday and Tuesday. All of our stuff is now being shipped by sea to Florida which will take about 2 months. Nolan was supervising the packing.

I also had to get a picture of Nolan in front of his first home before we left!

For the serviced apartment we are on the 18th floor and we have a small balcony and ocean views.

We are also in process of closing on our house in Deland. We are able to do a mail away process where the documents were sent to us and we went to the US Embassy to sign them and have them notarized. Hopefully everything will be finalized with the house in the next few days. Jimmy was able to see the house we are buying during a work trip a few months ago. Typically we would have had a house hunting trip but since Nolan was born around the time we would have taken it we decided to skip it.

We are mostly done with everything for the move now so we can relax a bit for the last few weeks we have here.