Friday, February 27, 2015

Chinese New Year in Phuket

Mom and Dad were in town for Chinese New Year and we get 2 days off for the holiday so we decided to spend a long weekend in Phuket, Thailand which is only a 1 1/2 hour flight.  On our drive from the airport we could see the Big Buddha on the hill.

On our first night we walked to town to get dinner.  Mom and dad got their food about an hour after we ordered but Jimmy and I still hadn't received ours so we left. We ended up going to a restaurant on the beach called "Mama Jins" that we liked so much we went back every night.


Our resort had it's own private beach in front of it which was great.  It wasn't crowded at the private beach which we appreciated because after walking down the beach we noticed the rest was pretty packed.


Jimmy and I enjoying the lazy river.  They also had jumping platforms and water slides which we enjoyed.

Mom and Dad's room - we both had our own private pool but they had a corner room so their's was huge!!

There was a small restaurant next to our hotel where we were able to get lunch pretty cheap and it was nice to be able to eat in our bathing suits and have a view.

 For Chinese New Year, the resort offered a special dinner and show which Jimmy and I went to while mom and dad went back to Mama Jin's.  We were really glad we went - they had the traditional lion dance and one of the boys climbed to the top of a 30 foot pole where he was dancing - I was so worried he was going to fall off!

On Friday we took a speed boat tour. We started the day at Phanak Island where we walked through a cave with water up to our thighs.  We needed flash lights for a portion of the walk because it was completely dark.  After walking for about 5 minutes we came through to the inside where there was a hidden lagoon called Mangrove Hong.  This was probably one of the coolest things I've ever done - it was just a really neat experience.

After the cave, we went to our next destination where there were men with canoes who guided us through the Mangrove Forest and surrounding areas.

Next we went by Phang Nga Bay, which is also called James Bond Island because it was part of a chase scene in Man with the Golden Gun.

We also saw some cave paintings which are over 1500 years old.

Next we stopped at Koh Panyi Village which is entirely built on top of the water and has about 1800 people who live there.  I had seen a video about this village at work because the boys who lived there wanted to play soccer and had to build a soccer field over the water.  Below is the link if you are interested in their story.

 After having lunch at the Kho Panyi village, we made a stop for some swimming.  Swimming in the middle of the rock formations was a highlight of the day.  The water was a beautiful color and the temperature was perfect.

After swimming for a little bit, we stopped by a beach for some more swimming and snorkeling.  The view was beautiful - my dad and I were talking that it was too bad the pictures could never do justice to how amazing the scenery was.

On our last day we made sure to hang out at the pool bar during happy hour for buy one get one free drinks!

Some days it's hard living in Singapore and being so far away from home but getting to enjoy experiences like this help make it worth it.  I'm so glad my parents were able to come visit us in Singapore and go on a trip with us.  We really had a great time and were sad to see them go.