Wednesday, April 16, 2014


We had visitors two separate weekends in March!  First we had my mom's good friends Char and Tom visit.  Their son lives in Indonesia so they were stopping in Singapore for a few days after visiting him.  We spent time walking around Singapore Botanic Gardens and had lunch at Level 33 which is a microbrewery that overlooks the bay.  It was so great to see people from home!

The following weekend Jimmy's cousins came in town.  Alan, Angell and Princeton came in from Hong Kong and Tony came in from the Bay Area.  We did a lot of attractions I hadn't done here yet which was great.  We went to the Singapore Zoo, the observation deck at Marina Bay Sands, the Aquarium and Singapore Flyer.


It was great getting to spend time with family.  It had been a year since we had seen Princeton so he had grown up a lot since we last saw him.  He enjoyed playing with Candy and Ozzy, even though I'm not sure Ozzy felt the same way!