Sunday, February 23, 2014

Home Visit

It's hard to believe we've been in Singapore 6 months already and we had our first home visit!  It was so great getting to see our family and friends.  Our 2 weeks in the US was packed so I'm sorry we didn't get to see everyone but we'll probably be coming home again this summer.

We started off in the Bay Area where my parents met us so they could meet Jimmy's family.  We spent some time doing typical tourist things like visiting Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf and In n Out.  Then we had a small dinner to celebrate our wedding with Jimmy's family.  We got to watch the Super Bowl at Jimmy's sister's house in the middle of the afternoon which was nice since Jimmy had to wake up early Monday morning to watch games all year.  We also made a trip up to Napa for some wine tasting which I always love!

On Tuesday, my parents and I left for Cincy while Jimmy stayed in the Bay Area a few more days.  When we landed in Cincy there was no snow on the ground but snow was in the forecast that night. We went straight to my sister's house from the airport and before we got there the roads were already getting bad. We ended up having a sleep over because it wouldn't have been safe to drive home.  That was fine with me because I got to spend more time with them and was able to see the kids dress up in the Asian outfits I brought back for them.

I spent the next few days running around seeing friends and family.  Fortunately, the weather was only bad the first night and we didn't have any other issues for the rest of the trip.

On Saturday, we were able to throw a baby shower for Annie.  I'm so sad I won't be there when the baby is born but I have been promised a FaceTime session shortly after delivery!  We also got to celebrate Jordan's 30th birthday Saturday night so it was nice spending all day Saturday with friends.

We spent Sunday hanging out at my sister's house.  Lauren and Connor had a swim meet so I spent most of the day with Sammi which was great because she is getting so big so fast.  She loves hamming it up for the camera.  After a few hours of playing she fell asleep on me - it's the little things like this that make me miss home the most.

The day before I left, my parents made a Thanksgiving dinner since it's my favorite holiday and I didn't get to enjoy it this year.  The house smelled amazing all day and everything was delicious!

We had such a great time seeing everyone but 2 weeks went by way too fast!!