Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pulau Ubin

Over Christmas break we had thought about going on a trip but Jimmy has been traveling so much we decided to stay in Singapore and relax.  We decided to spend a day at Pulau Ubin which is the last undeveloped part of Singapore.  You have to go to the east coast of the island and take a short boat ride to get there.  After getting off the boat there are a few restaurants and a street full of vendors renting bikes to visitors.  We had chilli crab for lunch and then rented bikes from one of the vendors. It was nice to be outside of the city for awhile and just walk and ride the bikes through the trees.  They also have a wetland that we walked around for a bit.  It was a really nice and relaxing day.  If someone was just here visiting for a few days I don't think it's something that should be on the top of their list but when living here its definitely something nice to do.