Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

I'm still in shock that it's Christmas already for 2 reasons.  First is that time has been flying, I can't believe I've been living here almost 5 months already.  Second is that being in 85 degree weather at Christmas just doesn't seem right.  While I don't miss really cold weather, scraping ice of my car or driving in snow, I still feel like I should be bundled up in a sweatshirt with a hot drink.  It's also weird to not be going down the street and seeing Christmas decorations everywhere.  The malls and main shopping areas here are decorated but you don't see houses with lights and decorations out front which is something I always really enjoyed seeing during the holidays.  Jimmy and I are having a low key Christmas just hanging out at home.  This is actually the first Christmas we haven't been traveling since we've met.  He's been traveling so much for work that it's nice to just relax at home.  We did get to FaceTime with my family this morning which was great!  I really miss everyone but we'll be visiting in February so not too much longer before our first home visit!
Happy Holidays!!