Monday, October 21, 2013

Birthday Weekend in Shanghai

Jimmy and I had decided we wanted to go somewhere for my birthday weekend and he ended up having a business trip in Shanghai the week prior so we decided it would be best if I just flew there and met him for the weekend.  I've never been to China before so I was pretty excited.  I got in Wednesday night and took a tour all day Thursday while he was working.  Below are some pictures of what I saw on the tour.

Shanghai Museum


 French Concession

View of Pudong from the Bund

Ship made of Jade

Jade Buddha Temple (we weren't allowed to take pictures of the Jade Buddha but were able to take pictures of everything else)


Yu Garden:



Yu Garden Bazaar:

After I got done with my tour we decided just to walk around until we found a place for dinner.  We ended up getting hot pot and it was delicious - we were both stuffed!

On Friday Jimmy worked while I just relaxed.  I decided to take a bath but couldn't figure out why there was a remote by the tub and then I realized there was a TV in the mirror!


In the afternoon, we walked around Pudong for awhile.  Pudong has all of the tall sky scrapers and the Shanghai Pearl while the other side of the river has the Bund and Nanjing Road.  When I was looking at the buildings from the Bund I could tell they were big but when standing next to them you realize how massive they are.  Construction is currently being done on the Shanghai Tower which will be 121 stories making it the tallest building in Asia and 2nd tallest in the world.

View of the Bund from Pudong (The Bund is a street of European style buildings built while Shanghai was occupied by European countries)

While walking along the river we saw Muskcat Coffee.  If you haven't heard of it, it's made from coffee beans that were fed to cats and then pooped out and is supposed to be a delicacy.  A cup of this coffee goes for $50 so Jimmy decided to get the $20 smoothie - a real bargain for coffee that has passed through a cat.  I decided to stick with a glass of wine - "cat poop coffee" as I called it just didn't seem all that appealing to me.  I did try his smoothie though and it was good, just not worth $20 in my opinion.  We have decided we should try feeding Ozzy coffee beans and see if we can make a business out of it : )

After walking around we met up with his friend for the Shanghai International Beer Festival.  There weren't many US beers there but at least the prices were much cheaper than Singapore!

Saturday we walked around Nanjing Road which is the main shopping area - similar to Orchard in Singapore.

We had some dumplings for lunch and when we walked out a woman was washing her hair in the street.  I don't know what I thought was more weird - that she was washing her hair in the street or that 2 minutes after I took this picture a Maserati parked right in front of her.

Saturday night we had dinner at M on the Bund for my birthday and then went to a bar on the 91st floor of the World Financial Center for a drink.  It was a great trip and now I'm looking forward to my parents coming this week!

Friday, October 11, 2013

My New Job

I have been on a leave of absence from P&G since July when I moved.  Prior to leaving, I had interviewed for a new role in Singapore as an artwork planner.  I was offered the role in August but the paperwork has been taking awhile.  This week I finally got my employment pass approved and confirmed I'll be able to start on November 11th!  It's been nice having the past few months off to get settled in here but I'm looking forward to getting back to work and having a normal routine again.