Friday, May 17, 2013

Empty House

The movers have been here all week and the house is now empty!  We close on May 31st but the relo company will be taking care of that so we're pretty much done with the house.  I'll now be going to Singapore at the end of June to house hunt because Jimmy has to travel with work the first 2 weeks he's there.  Now we just have to get everything straightened out with the pet move and we'll be set!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Change in Plans

So we were planning to move to Singapore on June 9th but while at the vet this week we found out that Candy and Ozzy's rabies shots don't count in the Singapore government's eyes until they've had their microchips implanted.  They have to wait 120 days to go to Singapore once they have had their microchip/rabies shot so the earliest they can go is the end of July. We also have to make sure they can get quarantine space which we can't reserve until we get their titre/rabies test results back which will be about 3 more weeks.  For now, the plan is for Jimmy to move around June 9th and I'll come house hunting a week later then head back to the US.  I'll move out to Singapore at the end of July with the pets.  I'll be moving in with my parents later this week since the movers are coming to pack up all of our stuff next week.  We're very lucky to have great friends and family who will take care of Candy and Ozzy while I'm at my parents house!  There seem to be new things that come up every week so I'm sure the plans will change again next week.

We accepted an offer on the house 2 days after it was listed so now we just need to work on the inspection details and hopefully everything will work out and we'll close on May 31st.  Jimmy finished the sale on his car this weekend so now we just have to get my car sold which I'll probably do in July.  We've been busy but we're getting excited that the move date is getting closer!