Thursday, April 25, 2013

House for Sale!

We've spent the past few weeks getting the house straightened up and cleaned and now its finally up for sale!      We had 2 showings the first day so hopefully that's a good sign.  Jimmy has sold his car so we're making pretty good progress.  I'll probably put my car up for sale in the next few days.  It's looking like our move date will be June 9th but its not definite so hopefully that will be confirmed in the next week.  The movers are coming to pack up our house in a few weeks since it will take about 8 weeks for the shipment to get to Singapore and clear customs.  Once the movers take everything, I'll be moving in with my parents and our next door neighbor will take the pets since my mom is allergic.  We also got Candy's crate that she'll be shipped in delivered this week.  The vet recommended getting it early so she could get used to being in it - that was a great idea because right now she is not a big fan of it.  We're putting her food in it as an incentive to go in but as soon as the food is gone she gets out.  Hopefully she'll get used to it in the next month.  Other than that we've been filling in a lot of paperwork and have been going through our stuff deciding what to bring and what to store.  We're excited its starting to get close!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

We're Engaged!

Jimmy and I were in Maui last week which was a nice break from getting ready for the move.  The morning after we arrived, we went to Haleakala to watch the sunrise.  After the sunrise, we went for a hike which is when Jimmy proposed.  We are so happy and had a great trip!!

Sunrise at Haleakala
My ring on the beach
View while driving around Maui
Cows blocking the road on our drive